Thursday 25 September 2014

Reflective analysis

-The sequence we created consisted of 6 shots and is a cross between a comedy and a horror genre, the sequence is introduced as horror, with the intention to build suspense on the people viewing it, before trying to make the end of the sequence humorous by using an unexpected event which would not usually be part of a horror genre.

-The audience we have aimed to target are teenagers, as stalker-like scenes were used which could be inappropriate to be seen at a younger age, however the movie is not violent and uses humour, meaning it would not have an age rating of over 12, as a potential wider audience base would be ruled out if it were to be higher than this.

-The conventions of both genres used were the suspense building music and isolation as nobody else is around in the sequence, there is also the typical stalker appearance of one of the characters and the dark clothing making them more mysterious and scary, the suspense is broken using an unexpected question which is supposed to be humorous, the exposure of the camera is also increased at this point meaning the lighting is more suited to a comedy genre.

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