Monday 29 September 2014

Notes on "the thin red line"

Group analysis- Group 3


Establishing shot: POV - Handheld
Diagetic sound - Wildlife and nature

Straight cut to backwards tracking shot:
mid-shot -

Straight cut to forwards tracking
mid shot - Longer take showing man walking towards him

Straight cut - Backwards tracking
Close up - expression/ reaction to what hes just seen

Straight cut - Forwards tracking
Mid shot

Straight cut - Matching on action - Change of scenery
Long shot showing surroundings and how it overwhelms them
Panning across the scene slowly

Straight cut- Close up of monkey statue - Symbolic
Lowkey lighting
Pan right of object showing significance

Straight cut- Tilt upwards of surroundings
Light coming through trees
Non diagetic sound as narrative - Exposition of story

Straight cut - Extreme close up of parrot
Tilt upwards to another parrot

Straight cut- Long shot of trees
Tilt down to show soldiers
-Shows size of forest there in compared to them
-Claustropobic from bamboo everywhere
-More non diagetic sound as narrative

Straight cut- mid shot
focused on character with out of focus bamboo in front of him
Shows how they are concealed in the forest - Danger of being lost or trapped
Pan over- shows other soldiers and there expressions

Cross dissolve - New location
Out of forest, in a more open area- long shot- establishing
Pans left as they move
Non diagetic narrative alongside music

Straight cut- close up of man
Tilt down drawing attention to injuries

Straight cut to close up-  showing expression on his face

Straight cut- Close up of soldier

Straight cut- Memory- new location
Tilt upwards showing close up of woman
Tilt down- Attention drawn to hands - Showing woman, what he has to lose if he is killed as a soldier

Straight cut- Close up of kissing- shows romance between them
Tilt back down showing hands- Repeated so has significance

Straight cut- Woman turning around and leaning in to kiss him

Straight cut- tilt down showing woman now on her own

Cross dissolve- Flashback over, back to forest
Pan left
Tilt upwards showing amount of soldiers and big hill- attention to new location

Straight cut- Tracking forwards
-Slower pace

Cross dissolve- Close up of grass
Claustrophobic- Shows danger that something could be hiding in it

Straight cut- Closeup of man pointing gun
Backwards tracking

Straight cut- Forwards tracking close up
All shots are close- Showing the environment there in

Straight cut- Forwards tracking close up
Tilt down- Camera static- Draws attention to corpse as man walks towards it
Camera moves forward - Handheld
More attention drawn to corpse- Shows danger of where they are and what is happening

Straight cut- Two shot- Close up
Tracking backwards as they leave scene

Straight cut- Close up of corpse- Tilt upwards showing men- All silent showing the emotions they have about it

Straight cut- Close up of soldier- Violent push of grass- anger

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